7-Eleven; Shiroishi Hanzawayashikimae in Shiroishi

Japan7-Eleven; Shiroishi Hanzawayashikimae



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Freitag24 stunden geöffnet
Samstag24 stunden geöffnet
150-1 Hanzawayashikimae, 字 Shiroishi, Miyagi 989-0259, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 224-25-7404
webseite: www.sej.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.0096965, Longitude: 140.6206381

kommentare 5

  • black white

    black white


    The staff here has had the worst customer service ever since the store opened. The owner is a guy named Hoshina, who has a big attitude and is a sloppy customer service person. This guy named Hoshina has another store in the city. Seven near the technical high school also has the worst customer service.

  • 平岡優希



    The customer service is terrible. The clerk doesn't say "welcome" or "thank you." Instead of asking if you want to heat room-temperature hash potatoes, the customer asks if the hash potatoes aren't warm, "Would you like to have something warm with it?" It's not warm at all lol. Most of the employees here and Seven in front of the technical high school have terrible customer service. This is a convenience store that you definitely don't want to use unless you're in the neighborhood.

  • 谷保Yaho武Take



    You can find 7-Elevens everywhere, but they have an eat-in corner. You can also put purchased lunch boxes, cup ramen, and hot water in it. Large daytime garbage bags will also be set up. I think the workers will find it easy to use and easy to use!

  • はっさー



    This is a convenience store with a bad reputation, not even one star. I was so angry that I wanted to give it 0 stars. The clerk didn't say "Welcome" when checking out the cash register, but remained silent the whole time, and didn't even mention the payment method... Even after paying the bill, there was no one to say "thank you". He quickly left for the office. On the other hand, the customer service was disgusting and made me wonder, ``Isn't it okay to shop there?'' By the way, the customer service attitude varies depending on the store staff. Of course, there are also a minority of good store clerks.

  • saku saku

    saku saku


    The old man clerk who comes to work in the morning treats me strangely. When I asked for a bag, I put the items in a plastic bag used for side dishes, etc. Afterwards, I always take out the small bag and the items don't fit. I warned her three times to use a larger bag. Are you blurry yet? Manager, why do you hire such a staff member?

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