7-Eleven Okayama Nishiichi station i Okayama

Japan7-Eleven Okayama Nishiichi station



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104-6 Nishiichi, Minami Ward, Okayama, 700-0953, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 86-244-0252
internet side: www.sej.co.jp
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Latitude: 34.6314742, Longitude: 133.9009614

kommentar 5

  • 螢モモ



    This convenience store A person who stays in the women's restroom every weekday morning. "Beige pants, glasses, long hair tied back." I'm fine with being caged for 10 to 20 minutes! Even if I go out, I'll be fiddling with my phone in the book corner next door and if no one comes in, I'll be holed up again😱 What is it like to be a member of society during the busy morning hours? ? It's absolutely disgusting. Please do something!

  • 桃太郎



    The parking lot is large and easy to use. The selection is average, but the store is spacious and easy to shop. Some reviews say that the staff are mostly foreigners, but this time I was lucky to have Japanese staff and the customer service was not bad.

  • れい.



    I don't understand why I can't use barcode payment even though I have a balance.

  • Kazuk Hiros

    Kazuk Hiros


    It's perfect for waiting for a train in front of the station, but there are so many cars passing by that it's difficult to cross the street.

  • than Lee

    than Lee


    The location is convenient. Nishiichi Station is an unmanned station that doesn't even have a toilet, so many people use it to wait for a train. The parking lot is large. However, the toilet is very smelly. This is a so-called uncontrolled public toilet. Also, the staff is slow to respond and there is a line. I guess it's because there's a shortage of manpower and you can't choose who to hire. If you can't handle customers, you should introduce self-checkout.

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