7-Eleven; Nagano Fudoji i Nagano

Japan7-Eleven; Nagano Fudoji



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2133-1 Oshimadamachi, Nagano, 381-2212, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 26-284-7114
internet side: www.sej.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.6006112, Longitude: 138.1938636

kommentar 5

  • 世聞入分



    A female employee with long blonde hair who works early in the morning is looking at her smartphone in her spare time.I don't want her to use her hands to serve customers, and I don't want her to have flashy blonde hair.I want her to quit.

  • ウォーク



    I use it every morning. This is a store where PayPay is frequently used. my life is This 7-Eleven is gone It won't work! My favorite is 7-Eleven♪

  • 赤いきつね師匠



    The employees here are always chatting and playing with their smartphones, but the guy above doesn't pay any attention to them. What kind of education did you provide? I'm at work! Do not be silly! There are some people who don't even say welcome.

  • Googleユーザー



    Around 8:20 on 10/12, I was asked to go to another register even though I was at the register. It's the larger female clerk. Unless there is a serious issue, shouldn't we give priority to the customer? I've been thinking about these two women this morning. We are always chatting in the store. Do that during your break. Concentrate on work while working. Work is not play. It's unpleasant to watch.

  • m sncyfm

    m sncyfm


    Maybe the store manager has a really bad attitude. I can't say hello. There are people who are grumpy and unfriendly. Weekday morning.

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