7-Eleven Kyoto-Ushigase in Kyoto

Japan7-Eleven Kyoto-Ushigase



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Samstag24 stunden geöffnet
110 Shimotsubayashi Minaminakajimachō, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto, 615-8054, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 75-393-4418
webseite: www.sej.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.9688506, Longitude: 135.7145517

kommentare 5

  • てつみさん



    I went on a weekday around 8pm, and the customer service was the worst. They speak in a low voice, touch the panel on the scanner (which doesn't seem like a good move from a customer's perspective), and hand over items with one hand. If you're going to hand it over with one hand, it's better if you take your hand off the bag. Before, I was a high school student with a low voice, but his customer service was hundreds of times better. The way the folding containers are folded is so sloppy that they make a clanging sound, and I don't even notice that there are customers lining up... It's a closed store. lol

  • M M

    M M


    I think the nearby 7-Eleven near Kuze Nishi Koyoko has a better selection of food items. There are many cup desserts available here. The quality of the staff differs greatly between day and night. During the day, many of the customers were very kind and polite, and when I was carrying my child, they offered to put it in my shopping bag. Around 7pm to 8pm? First of all, the store clerk had retreated inside and there was no one there! There were times when I slipped and spilled when closing the lid of a latte that I had just put in. (If you are carrying someone with a baby carrier, it is difficult to see your hand and it tends to slip.) They prepared the food for me right away, but I said, ``What should I do? It's been a long time since the store has been open, so I don't know what to do.'' In the end, I just paid and left without drinking much. I feel very good during lunch, so I will take care of you a lot during lunch. I'm very grateful that there is a 7-Eleven in this location, so I want it to stay there forever!

  • Y N

    Y N


    They are relatively friendly and the store is relatively clean so you can shop comfortably.

  • ろぐくうた



    I went around 9pm on Wednesday, May 11, 2022. There was a young female clerk working there, and both of them were very unfriendly and made me feel uncomfortable. It was so bad that anyone would feel uncomfortable if they treated customers with such an attitude. I will never go there again.

  • Atelier



    I arrive around 8 a.m., and the parking lot is almost full at that time, as it is used as a waiting area for people on site. However, the owner is very kind and does his best. Personally, this is my favorite store. However, the selection of items at 7-Eleven is a little thin, so I don't feel like it's popular.

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