7-Eleven; Kumamoto Hida 3-chome en Kumamoto

Japón7-Eleven; Kumamoto Hida 3-chome



🕗 horarios

Domingoabierto 24 horas
Lunesabierto 24 horas
Martesabierto 24 horas
Miércolesabierto 24 horas
Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
3-chōme-8-35 Hida, Kita Ward, Kumamoto, 861-5514, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-346-1418
sitio web: www.sej.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8531662, Longitude: 130.7182255

comentarios 5

  • 松本吉充



    This is a restaurant for everyone! It's a busy place, so there are busy times, but the staff is working hard, so it's nice to have a toy. I don't have a car, so I can stand outside and eat snacks! Sorry!

  • ウマウマ



    The store clerk, a guy named Kondo who looks like a nerd with glasses, has a bad attitude. Re-educate.

  • k jun

    k jun


    Here is the person that our family named Kami Seven!! ️Great customer service ✨ Is it a part-time job? Women's glasses! It's you 😃 In-store work - the efficient way they handle the cash register, their attentive service, etc. are all so wonderful that I've been stopping by Seven-san there even if it's a bit of a detour these days 😃 I've never met such a pleasant customer service customer at a convenience store. . Impressed. I want to follow the example of people like this in my life! I always tell my son (^o^)/ When I stopped by late at night, a late-night part-time worker was washing the doormat near the entrance. Don't wash the mat next to your new car, which is only 2 weeks old. The left side of your new car is dirty from the muddy water! (>_

  • y w

    y w


    I went shopping around 10:30 on May 16th. A female clerk wearing glasses was carefully disinfecting the coffee machine. The cashier was very nice, and as I was drinking coffee in my car afterwards, the same clerk was cleaning up the trash in the parking lot with a dustpan in hand. I would like all Seven stores to follow suit.

  • joe pendolton

    joe pendolton


    7-Eleven is my favorite convenience store, but this one is the worst. One of the staff members raised his voice like he was in a shopping district, yelled out payment information, and sorted the items in plain clothes, making me think he would be better off working at the supermarket next door. Even after pointing this out, there has been no improvement, so I doubt the headquarters' response. I'm starting to hate Seven.

Tienda de conveniencia más cercano

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