7-Eleven Kanazawa Kamiyachimachi en Kanazawa

Japón7-Eleven Kanazawa Kamiyachimachi



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
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61番地, Ni-61-二 Kamiyachimachi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-0801, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 76-253-0775
sitio web: www.sej.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.5983633, Longitude: 136.6808264

comentarios 5

  • あかてつ



    A convenience store that you can stop at before getting on the mountain side loop Kamiyanai interchange. There is a large parking lot, and there are food stores and drug stores nearby. What they sell is normal.

  • ひろ



    The smoothie was delicious~

  • Y T

    Y T


    The products are neatly displayed here. The front is well-organized and orderly.

  • moti moti

    moti moti


    This is a store that asks me to touch the barcode payment screen even though I am using cashless payment to prevent infection. That's putting the cart before the horse. Only people who buy with cash should do so. I don't want to touch the cash register screen. A male clerk wearing a gray mask in the morning. He throws things at me, I can't hear his voice, and he has a bad attitude. The lowest standard among many convenience stores.

  • norihiro kayama

    norihiro kayama


    In Hokuriku, where there is no transportation, you have to pay 300 yen to use nanaco, which is very disadvantageous. Other convenience stores are increasing their customer base by using barcode payments. I think the product is good. However, while I understand Seven & i Holdings' dominant strategy, it is unfortunate that Ishikawa Prefecture was dominated by Aeon.

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