7-Eleven en Takatsuki




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Japan, 〒569-1115 Osaka, Takatsuki, Kosobechō, 1-chōme−7−5 Bella Vita古曽部
contactos teléfono: +81 72-682-3678
sitio web: www.sej.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8567045, Longitude: 135.6209168

comentarios 5

  • 高坂和良



    Many people who work at Takatsuki Hospital visit our store. Maybe I don't have time, so I pick up the item with my thumb and forefinger and pay at the register. It takes 1 minute. Few people are confused about shopping. I feel embarrassed for wandering around for more than 10 minutes.

  • 鈴木哲生



    The first lottery was fraudulent! A few days ago, I counted the remaining tickets with the clerk and confirmed that there were only 10 tickets left for the No. 1 lottery, but when I went to buy them today, there were only 5 tickets left, and the lottery tickets posted at the cash register that hadn't been paid out yet. It looked like a piece of paper, so I checked it, and there were still top prizes left, so I asked them to give me all of them...but only the bottom prizes, which looked like trash, came out...When I asked the store staff about the remaining prizes, at first they said, ``This is a mistake on my part.'' ``I lost it.'' Here is the answer: ``I've been checking the number of tickets for a few days, and you can tell by looking at the security camera that I was buying them every day.Why aren't the top prizes in good condition?'' When I asked about this, I contacted the owner in a hurry, and the answer changed to, ``If you pay the amount for the item without the lottery, I can give it to you.'' He then asked, ``Why is there no lottery?'' When I asked, the answer changed further, saying, ``I gave it to them without opening it due to my clumsiness.I don't know who I sold it to anymore.''The answer further changed to ``If I bought all the lottery tickets that aren't here, I didn't open them due to my clumsiness.'' What will happen if the person brings back the lottery ticket that I handed over?'' I asked, and the person seemed to have run out of excuses, and in the end, there were only 5 tickets left, which is the same as when I counted them with the clerk a few days ago. It was the same... Well, it was clear that I was the only one who had bought one since a week ago, and this time I came with the intention of buying 10 tickets, so I paid for an additional 5 tickets and got them all. I was astonished at the stupid store clerks who told lies that even a child could not fool. There are many other suspicious things as well, such as store staff opening lottery tickets that you used to open yourself, or responding quickly after fraud is discovered.There is a high possibility that the store as a whole has been committing fraud for some time. Right Another store did something wrong with Seven's One Piece lottery in July, so isn't the headquarters doing anything to ensure compliance? All of the lottery items that were drawn out looked like they would sell well on flea market sites, so I was convinced that was the case. I will never go there again, and I would like stores that can't abide by the rules to stop selling Ichiban Kuji. By the way, I have contacted headquarters and Bandai, so I don't mind.

  • KT (KT)

    KT (KT)


    Is there something like a customer service manual? A woman who was confused about giving points to a new guy, and had no choice but to follow him. Why did they apologize for making me wait and said, "You can't get points for cigarettes!" I know. lol Are you stupid? lol I don't buy anything other than cigarettes. Lol If you can see it, give it as much as you can. lol That's what it felt like. Well, that's what the store was like, so I don't recommend it.

  • 天然水



    The staff here has a bad attitude to begin with. If I had known, I wouldn't have gone. I had a terrible experience today. I won't go there again.

  • Na yama

    Na yama


    The staff's attitude is terrible. I went there during the day, and the elderly clerk at the store had the attitude of a rebellious junior high school student. There is no welcome or thank you. He seemed to be silent. I thought there would be no silence the whole time, so when I said that, he suddenly turned into a sullen face, paused for a few seconds, and started doing something else, but as if he thought it would be a bad idea, he made a noise that sounded like a mosquito's chirping. “Zataa…”

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