7-Eleven i Kawachinagano




🕗 åbningstider

6-chōme-9-20 Harachō, Kawachinagano, Osaka 586-0021, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 721-56-5566
internet side: www.sej.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.456732, Longitude: 135.568864

kommentar 5




    ◎Very easy to use convenience store ◎When parking a 4t vehicle, it is easiest to park near the corner of the triangular lot. ◎When exiting, the slope is a bit steep, so it is better to exit at an angle to the road. ◎They have a good selection of products, so if I have a chance, I will use them again.

  • 田中奈緒



    There are too many flies flying around and it's too unsanitary... When I was paying the bill, I saw flies flying around me and landed on the clerk's arm, but I didn't pay attention to it. I decided not to use this restaurant after seeing several flies flying around in the fried food. I don't know where it's coming from, but it's disgusting...

  • りな堀



    I'm not sure if it's a man or a woman, but the clerk at the shortcut was in a bad mood, and the door leading from the register to the store was slammed! When I was checking out, I was slamming items out of the basket and putting them on the counter in a messy manner.When I asked for a bag, there was no reply, but I could hear it, but it was packed in random bags, and the bag was a little torn. When this clerk is there, I will use another store. I don't often see this attitude in the customer service industry, but I want people to be in charge of their own mood.

  • ますかっと



    When I went to buy some pickles, I found some that had an expiry date of 2 days. Even if the expiry date is near, they don't put any discount stickers on the products, and there is no management, so I don't recommend it. It is better to check the expiry date before purchasing.

  • しげくん



    The parking lot is a bit unusual in shape, but it's spacious. It's along the national highway, so I use it occasionally. The staff's response may have been a coincidence, but it was good. I feel like Kawachinagano City has a lot of 7-Elevens.

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