7-Eleven in Sapporo




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6-chōme-1-27 Tsukisamu Higashi 1 Jō, Toyohira Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 061-3213, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 11-855-5071
webseite: www.sej.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 43.032727, Longitude: 141.396402

kommentare 5

  • 黙ることを知らない



    No matter when I call, the man, Mr. ◯◯◯ (name withheld for the time being), never greets me. Hello, if there is no thank you very much! Nor. Are they criticizing the customer service just because it's a convenience store? In these times, if you directly communicate this, it may cause trouble, so I would like you to check this and reconsider. This is my first time working as a convenience store clerk.

  • 林和美



    The hot snacks here are delicious. I have a cart. We will deliver the products from the store. Please contact the staff for details. Please feel free to contact us. I tried to take a photo inside the store, but the staff stopped me. (I wanted to take a photo because it said that we would deliver the store's products.) Ashtrays are available outside. The parking lot can accommodate 8 cars. The reason why I gave it a rating of 1 is because the products from the store are delivered to you. Well, please contact the staff for details. Please feel free to contact us. It was written that, After all, we will deliver the products from the store. If it says, take a photo and send it to the users. I negotiated with you to help you. It was no good. On behalf of the staff, I will tell the users, I apologize 🙇🙇🙇 The place where you can take photos is Sapporo Tsukisamu Higashi 3-jo branch. This has been agreed to by the store manager. addition I have acquired the 7-Eleven app. That's why it feels so good when charging at the register or at nanaco. At this time, I'm feeling good. It's contradictory!! ️ We are 7-Eleven because of our customers!! ️ If you just need to use the restroom, I won't say welcome! ️ Anyone can use the restrooms at convenience stores!! ️

  • ゆのきの



    There were about four female clerks in their 30s and 40s running the store, and they were harsh on the older clerks. I feel sick and scared watching it! ️

  • 佐川祐輔



    Now, as I was about to pay at the cash register, I suddenly looked at the oden, and to my surprise, there was some trash in the oden.The clerk stuck his finger in the oden... I've started to hate 7-Eleven oden...

  • 地獄どんぐり



    The parking lot is spacious. An ashtray is placed outside, which is unusual for 7-Elevens these days.

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