7-Eleven en Koganei




🕗 horarios

Domingoabierto 24 horas
Lunesabierto 24 horas
Martesabierto 24 horas
Miércolesabierto 24 horas
Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
4-chōme-41-13 Higashichō, Koganei, Tokyo 184-0011, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 42-381-0552
sitio web: www.sej.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7012871, Longitude: 139.5224786

comentarios 5

  • もちもち



    I came to the store around evening, but there was no one there from beginning to end. I had no choice but to stop by another Seven.

  • taodragon



    A store clerk doesn't say "Thank you" properly. All I could hear was the sound of breathing.

  • さぷりん



    I went into the store for the first time because I wanted to buy Chinese steamed buns because they were on sale. I couldn't find any promotional items for the sale anywhere, and I wondered if this store was the only one that didn't have a sale, but when I bought it, it was actually discounted. There was only one clerk, and no one came out even though I was in line. The old clerk doesn't have a name tag. The area around the coffee machine was very dirty.

  • Yoshio Kobayashi

    Yoshio Kobayashi


    Although it is close to the station, I think the parking lot is quite spacious. There is a public bicycle parking lot right behind the building, but there is a fee.

  • QuRu



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