7-Eleven i Saitama




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2-chōme-39-8 Motochō, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0073, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 48-886-3357
internet side: www.sej.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.8731266, Longitude: 139.6578096

kommentar 5




    I asked for fried chicken sticks, but the clerk offered curry bread. I didn't look at it properly, so when I went to eat later, I was shocked. When I went to exchange it, I was told that it was not possible to exchange it as time had passed. That's ridiculous. 😡😡😡

  • みさと



    The parking lot is relatively large There are 2 toilets including one for women only. Smoking is prohibited on the premises. I sell cigarettes

  • tory



    Many people leave their cars in the parking lot and go out to the neighborhood. There are times when the parking lot is crowded even though there are no customers in the store.

  • he who can does

    he who can does


    The out-of-stock rate here is by far the highest. Taking Seven Bread as an example, you can buy it anytime at other stores, but here you can only buy it for a short period of time right after it arrives and goes on display. Lately, I've been avoiding this place and using the 7-Eleven across the street from Yuyashiki Kouraku. They are probably trying to make a profit by reducing waste. However, if the product you want is sold out no matter when you go, you might not want to go there even if you live nearby. I wonder if the franchise headquarters doesn't provide guidance?

  • 月見団子



    There are elementary, middle, and high schools nearby, so stationery is abundant. It has all the services of 7-Eleven, but it is a shame that there is no eat-in service. The parking lot is crowded.

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