7-Eleven i Kochi




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14番6 Gōnosechō, Kochi, 780-8035, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 88-833-3228
internet side: www.sej.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.5505859, Longitude: 133.5247047

kommentar 5

  • Hunk the game

    Hunk the game


    There were three staff members, and two of them (one man and one woman who thought it was cool to dress in different clothes) were chatting away in the eat-in space without looking at the customers. It was unpleasant to watch. (May 30th after 8pm) The other one treated me like a gentleman and I was very happy. If you have time to wear a uniform and pick up women, fix it on the shelf, you salary thief.

  • 月


    The parking lot is large, but the staff didn't give me a good impression. It doesn't happen every day, but there are young people smoking right next to the entrance, so I wish they would do something about it.

  • K M

    K M


    Sometimes there are very nice store clerks. This will also make you feel better. I'm glad that the parking lot is large.

  • n



    There are 4 seats, but there is an eat-in corner. The great thing about 7-Eleven is that you can easily connect to Wi-Fi. It's really helpful. Surprisingly, other convenience stores in the city don't have to set it up to connect to Wi-Fi, which is a hassle. Seven's sweets are cheap and delicious, so whenever I stop by, I always buy enough for my family. The selection is good, and you can't go wrong with Seven's food products. I always wish there was one in my neighborhood. The customer service of the store staff is very friendly and you can shop comfortably💕

  • Y.ゆう



    Hama Sushi is located on the same premises, so it's convenient to stop by after your meal. McDonald's and Sunny Mart are also nearby.

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