7-Eleven i Hamamatsu




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1087 Sunayamachō, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 430-0926, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 53-458-3177
internet side: www.sej.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.7004791, Longitude: 137.7334658

kommentar 5

  • くにちゃんパパ



    There is a clerk who gets angry. All of a sudden, I was shouting to other customers that I was going to call the police. I was annoyed when I checked out the cash register, but after paying for it, the ice cream was crushed in my hand as it was handed to me. According to the store manager, they can't fire you because they have flexible shifts, but if that's the case, educate them. Please respect the minimum manners.

  • 小林



    You can stop by and buy anything you want. I think convenience stores are about as convenient as they are. However, if I stop by even for a short time and it makes me feel bad, I won't go there again.

  • コロンコロン



    The owner has not been properly trained. The owner himself has a bad reputation among the neighbors. I recommend other convenience stores even if they are nearby.

  • mi



    I sometimes use this convenience store, but the female clerk's attitude is not very nice. He's unfriendly and arrogant, and before I know it, he's talking to someone who appears to be the store manager, even though there are customers right in front of him. I understand that they are good friends, but even though they are at work... Well, even the manager is talking, which is standard at this convenience store.

  • 増井清人



    There is another convenience store with parking available. You would think that it would be easy to find out because it faces the main road, The same goes for the road in front of the Sunayama store, as it is frequently used. Terrible people park their cars in order to use the railway, or they are used as parking lots for commuter cars. Please refrain from parking for more than 15 minutes without making a purchase, as this will disrupt business. According to the store manager, there are complaints that they can't stop it. For letters, stamps, etc., there is a post office approximately 300 meters northeast. Note: The staff may seem arrogant towards customers at first glance.

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