10° Cafe i Toshima City

Japan10° Cafe



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3-chōme-12-8 Takada, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0033, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-6912-6109
internet side: judecafe.com
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Latitude: 35.7147514, Longitude: 139.7054975

kommentar 5

  • Maya W

    Maya W


    This place could be great, unfortunately it’s just not. It is marketed as a work cafe and admittedly has good wifi and plenty of outlets; but there are often groups loudly talking, which makes working difficult even with noise-cancelling earbuds. It gets rammed at the weekend with a weird mix of people trying to study and groups having brunch or lunch, making the space very loud. The taco rice is good, the French toast is soggy, and the coffee is mediocre stuff from a bean-to-cup machine rather than proper hand drip or espresso. The disappointing coffee really is a dealbreaker for a cafe. The lemonade also isn’t particularly good. Apparently you have to order something every two hours, but no one tells you that when you enter. When it’s busy food takes a long time to come and staff are slow to clear tables. Better places to work nearby: Hoshino if you don’t need power or wifi; Case coworking if you do.

  • maximilian webb

    maximilian webb


    This is a nice cafe to get some work done or read for a bit. It’s located by the river and is in a fairly quiet area. The atmosphere is relaxing and the workers are kind as well. They had a variety of food and drink options on their menu. I ordered an americano and it was excellent. I will be coming back soon :)

  • Christy Mae Betos

    Christy Mae Betos


    One of the best cafes fit for working! If you’re near Takadanobaba Station and you need a cafe with multiple sockets to plug in your devices, free fast wifi, and multiple floors for you to choose from… 10°Cafe is the place you’re looking for. Quiet, aesthetic, great food and drinks; anyone can work here productively. I love their hot coffees!! ☕️ P.S. Ordering system is via QR code

  • Vanesa Garnelo

    Vanesa Garnelo


    Great food and coffee! We had the french toast and cheese toast with a flat white and iced coffe, all delicious :) The staff was super friendly too.

  • Giacomo Corino

    Giacomo Corino


    Really cozy place, with free wifi and outlets to charge your pc. I would recommend it if you want a relaxing place to work or study while sipping a cup of coffee. The prices after 11am become quite expensive though so make sure to go there in the early morning.

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