Yushoku Boya Niihama w Niihama

JaponiaYushoku Boya Niihama



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-1 Takagichō, Niihama, Ehime 792-0031, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 897-37-8977
strona internetowej: www.yusyokubouya.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.9526611, Longitude: 133.2841641

komentarze 5

  • Aiza Amil

    Aiza Amil


    Had the pleasure of dining in this restaurant this evening. Compliments of our host. Loved the food. Will definitely return when we visit Niihama in the future.

  • 高橋弘



    I understand that it was busy at lunchtime, but no matter how many times I asked for draft beer, it never came. Even the drinks after the meal were not served. The pedestal of the pot used to ignite the solid fuel was out of place from the holder, but he was still trying to light the fire, so I pointed it out to him, but he looked ignorant. Isn't it dangerous to light a fire at an angle? For rice, you can choose white rice or five-grain rice. I used five-grain rice and it was delicious. Both the coating and the meat of the fried chicken set meal were hard. The chawanmushi was delicious. The set meal costs around 980 yen, but I felt it was expensive considering the contents. It was really tough not having tea or water to drink with the meal. It might be possible to do it properly if you take it outside of busy hours, but I don't think I'll go and verify that.

  • 風まかせぱんだ姐やん



    I visited during lunch time to celebrate my nephew's birthday. It looks like a simple building from the outside, but once you step inside, you can see that the interior design has been carefully designed in a pure Japanese style, giving it a luxurious feel. I have small children so I made a lot of noise. Due to the structure, I think it caused some inconvenience to the people in the room next door, but since it was a private room, I didn't feel awkward. I think the reason why you can safely eat out with your family, including the elderly, without wearing masks during the coronavirus pandemic is precisely because of the private rooms. It was a great shop that the whole family could enjoy, with Anpanman children's menu, birthday cakes, and family group photos in photo frames. Although it is a high-class restaurant, it has very reasonable prices, so I would definitely visit again with my family. 2022.09.17

  • Philip Leung

    Philip Leung


    Nice food

  • Xuan Wang

    Xuan Wang


    A little bit expensive but delicious. Good access and good environment, but the room isn't soundproofing, need keep voice down at any time.

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