Yane no Ue no Gacho w Hidaka

JaponiaYane no Ue no Gacho



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒781-2154 Kochi, Takaoka District, Hidaka, Iwameji, 713 レストラン高知 西隣
kontakt telefon: +81 889-24-5579
strona internetowej: gendaikigyosha.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5251712, Longitude: 133.3399513

komentarze 5

  • 此花



    I arrived 15 minutes after opening on a rainy weekday, and was disappointed that there wasn't much variety. It's not cheap at about 500 yen each, but you'll understand when you eat it! Both the sponge cake and the fresh cream have a deliciousness that cannot be imitated by other stores. It was my first time to have such a delicious cake. It is not recommended for those who are in a hurry as it takes a long time to order.

  • arisu kobayashi

    arisu kobayashi


    You can also eat in in the calm interior. The customer service was great and I had a great time. I would like to go again for the seasonal cakes.

  • ペンネ



    There are restaurants, cake shops, and miscellaneous goods stores. I went to a cake shop and got a cheesecake. The hot coffee I ordered with it came with fresh cream instead of milk, making it look like a Wiener coffee. As for the cake, the Japanese chestnut Mont Blanc that my wife ordered was exquisite. My order was incorrect and I had to replace the cheesecake. thank you very much.

  • 谷村夏実



    A car is essential as you have to walk along a country road for about 30 minutes from the station. Both the exterior and interior are well thought out and wonderful. I ordered tea and cake at the store, but the tart may not have been as good as I expected. The window was open (closed) and a bee came in and stayed there, so I felt uneasy and left. I think it can't be helped since we are surrounded by nature, but I would like to see some measures taken. You can buy baked goods and cakes for takeout. The baked goods I bought home were delicious.

  • Hafsah Ali

    Hafsah Ali


    Super delicious cakes, cute cafe with a very nice ambiance. Staff is always eager to help. Love this place!! The macaroons are the best I've ever had!

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