Tosa Tamura Hospital w Kochi

JaponiaTosa Tamura Hospital



🕗 godziny otwarcia

11-20 Inarichō, Kochi, 781-0814, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 88-883-3544
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5570907, Longitude: 133.5611427

komentarze 5

  • まめや・



    Thank you for taking care of me as an outpatient for fever. Everyone who dealt with me was kind, He has great attention to detail, It got to the point where I didn't want to go to another hospital.

  • みわ



    It was my first visit, but The receptionist, nurses, and teachers Everyone was kind and warm-hearted. thank you for your help.

  • さくらさく



    the child first To take a PCR, influenza test I called you. First of all, I didn't tell the office staff what the situation was, and the teacher told me that she would call me back, so I had to wait a little while. Your teacher will contact you back. What time can you come? I followed and called. A nurse will perform the test in the parking lot. It takes 30 minutes for the flu and an hour for the coronavirus, so The child is sick with a high fever He made me take the medicine on the spot. Is it close to home, can I take you home? And🙇 Bring me back, I'll call you again with the results! and A very nice nurse! ️!! ️💖 The teacher also explained the results over the phone. Very nice person👍👍✨ Also, medicines and documents. You give it to me by car, so there's no waste. And the next day I also felt sick. Call for PCR test I was tested by the same nurse as yesterday and I was positive too. The teacher was different from yesterday, I asked the nurse to give me a different medication than yesterday, and when I was leaving, I asked the nurse: Good luck 😿 and I saw them off. My family and I will be taking care of you from now on 🙏

  • Angelina



    This was my first time receiving the coronavirus vaccine (1st, 2nd, 4th). The behavior of all the staff, including the doctors, is warm and positive. When I went there for the fourth time, there was a notice posted on the glass of the entrance door about the surplus vaccines for that day. Please note that there is Tamura Internal Medicine and Surgery Hospital (Futaba Town) relatively nearby, so be careful as the names are similar and can be easily confused.

  • R M

    R M


    The doctor is very kind and listens carefully, but I have to wait even if there are no patients waiting.

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