Tokyu Hands Ikebukuro Store i Toshima-ku

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Japan, 〒170-0013 Tōkyō-to, Toshima-ku, Higashiikebukuro, 1 Chome−28−10
Kontakter telefon: +81 3-3980-6111
Latitude: 35.7298702, Longitude: 139.7164187
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Kommentar 5

  • Amy Mitchell

    Amy Mitchell


    I remembered seeing a recommendation for this place and I'm glad I stumbled across it! It's a large store with many floors. Great for unusual gifts or souvenirs.

  • Sharon Noor Alya

    Sharon Noor Alya


    I love Tokyu Hands everywhere and I especially have a memorable moment here when I found the cardcaptor sakura exhibition

  • Michael Hillard

    Michael Hillard


    This is a large craft store that as a lot of everything for nearly any kind of project. The location is convenient, and prices are reasonable. It is expensive compared to competing specialty stores however. I find myself going to this store a lot, just because it has so many various useful things.

  • Brayton Kerekffy

    Brayton Kerekffy


    This store is HUGE! Love the organization, very nice employees, very clean and professional store. Great job!

  • Kevin Barlow

    Kevin Barlow


    Many floors of interesting items to look at, great for crafty people who are looking for materials. In addition, the top floor is a pet store which also features an area filled with cats to enjoy - this area does require an entrance fee.

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