Takeshita Hospital w Kochi

JaponiaTakeshita Hospital


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-3番8号 Yorikimachi, Kochi, 780-0863, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 88-822-2371
strona internetowej: www.takeshita-hp.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.557558, Longitude: 133.5382361

komentarze 5

  • B A

    B A


    A few years ago, I was in Kochi City and developed cystitis.I couldn't go home due to work, so I went to this hospital. This was my first time using a catheter to collect urine for a cystitis test, and it was painful and surprising.

  • 谷脇澄男



    Although I was hospitalized for a short period of time, I received warm and courteous treatment.

  • lala angel

    lala angel


    It's a very beautiful hospital. Although he lives in another prefecture, Kochi was sent to rehab after a traffic accident while he was away on business at his parents' home. Thank you very much for accepting me so kindly. The doctors, nurses, rehabilitation staff, receptionists, and office staff were all really kind and courteous, and I never had a bad experience at all. I think it's a very good hospital.

  • 0 8

    0 8


    The rheumatology doctor is very good. Careful examination and cheerful response. We will carefully monitor your medication, including blood tests and palpation, and if we determine that it is putting a strain on your body, we will reduce the amount or switch to something else. I had a good impression of the staff, but I felt that there was room to speed up the flow of the hospital.

  • Shintaro Kume

    Shintaro Kume


    When I lined up at the reception desk without knowing that the general public was no longer accepted, there were no reactions at all because I didn't know the faces lol. The receptionist ignored me even when it was my turn, and ended up dealing with a patient I knew who came in later. I feel sad when I see the face of the receptionist without any love.

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