Richmond Hotel Kochi w Kochi

JaponiaRichmond Hotel Kochi


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-9-4 Obiyamachi, Kochi, 780-0841, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 88-820-1122
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.561009, Longitude: 133.5398778

komentarze 5

  • heythave



    Great front desk staff. They are very helpful and courteous. This hotel is in a good location if you are staying in Kochi for the Sunday Farmer’s Market and the Kochi Castle. The rooms are small like the usual business hotel. The cleaning, especially for the bathrooms, needs improvement. I was given room 608 and the bathroom smelled really bad. The shower curtain needs to be replaced for each new guest. I asked to be moved and they gave me room 409 which did not smell but had black mold on the bathroom floor and in the area around the bathtub. If I am ever in town again, I would probably look for a different hotel. If you are looking for a place to eat Kochi’s signature beef, there’s a restaurant called Se Relaxer which serves this meat. It is a five minute walk from the hotel.

  • eric dutaud

    eric dutaud


    Great service when I needed to make a web reservation for the ferry between Tokushima and Tokyo. Front desk went further and beyond what I expected. thank you

  • steven lim

    steven lim


    Location here is everything as you are literally in the middle of the covered shopping street and Hiromie Market is 8 minutes’ walk away. There are also a myriad of izakayas, grilled bonito, sushi and ramen shops in the vicinity. Daimaru is a few steps away as well. The room was smallish but the beds were comfortable. Wifi worked well in the room. Do note they have smoking rooms/floors as well so do request a different room if you do not like cigarette smoke. The bathroom was tiny but had a bath. They provide a variety of bath ‘bombs’ with flavours like lavendar, grape and orange at reception. We requested for harder pillows and these were delivered within 5 minutes. They do have parking but that is located about 5 minutes’ walk away.

  • Duyen Le (Rock Princess)

    Duyen Le (Rock Princess)


    Great value, good location, friendly staffs, tidy room. I would recommend to stay if you visit Kochi central. Breakfast was fast and good!

  • Yukio Kojima

    Yukio Kojima


    Nice clean and modern Japanese business hotel in the heart of a shopping district. Convenient location. The coin laundry on the 10th floor was great to have. Breakfast was very good, and the staff very friendly.

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