ćƒćƒ¬ć‚¦ć‚¹ w Nankoku




🕗 godziny otwarcia

854-1 Ōsoneotsu, Nankoku, Kochi 783-0005, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 88-863-0404
strona internetowej: gendaikigyosha.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 33.5641898, Longitude: 133.6582913

komentarze 5




    Although it has a Western-style appearance, this restaurant seems to be better at Japanese foodšŸš I had the yakiniku bean sprout set meal. Yes šŸ˜† I would love to come again PayPay and credit cards accepted.

  • åÆŗē”°č‹±ē”Ÿ



    I stopped by because it was surrounded by trees and had a nice atmosphere. For the meal, I added a steak set and sashimi. I had a bad feeling when the set rice smelled bad and a serrated knife came out for the steak. As expected, I was surprised because it was smelly and muscular. The sashimi was normal, but some of the ingredients were cut along the fibers, so the texture was terrible. I will never go there again!

  • ę Ŗ式会ē¤¾å®¶å…·å·„ęˆæ悆恆恍

    ę Ŗ式会ē¤¾å®¶å…·å·„ęˆæ悆恆恍


    At first glance, it looks like a Western restaurant, located on the corner of a main street and covered in trees. We have a lot of Japanese food, and the steamed rice is especially delicious. They also have a wide variety of desserts, which are also recommended.

  • 宮哎äø€åæ—ļ¼ˆć‹ć£ć”悃悓ļ¼‰



    Nereus for the first time in a while. It was lunchtime on the first day of a long weekend, so I had to wait a bit. You can sit comfortably. The menu is similar since it is affiliated with a modern company. Don't worry, it's the flavor you like. The chair is also very comfortable. When I ordered the teriyaki bowl, it arrived sooner than expected. surprised. As soon as the water is low I'll give you a replacement. Timing and taste of tea after meals Comfortable. If you change the time a little I think you can relax and enjoy it. The exterior and interior look are also calming. Whether you are traveling with your family or on a date, of course It's a place where even one person can be satisfied.

  • ćµęœ‹



    It's a wonderful restaurant that makes you feel like it's a restaurant run by Gendaisha. It's spacious and has a nice atmosphere surrounded by trees. There are so many dishes that you will be spoiled for choice. It was delicious.

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