Nakayoshimura Uki w Isahaya

JaponiaNakayoshimura Uki



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37-1 Matsuzatomachi, Isahaya, Nagasaki 854-0126, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 957-28-6677
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Latitude: 32.7981612, Longitude: 130.0837313

komentarze 5

  • ウサギの和ちゃん



    I used to use it for driving when my kids were little (*´д`*) It's so nostalgic. There are also a lot of gacha gacha! It's the same company as Elena. There are often stalls selling taiyaki and sweet chestnuts at the entrance! I want to use it again for the first time in a while~(^_-)

  • 山口ルミ子



    Rich in fresh vegetables and fish There are many local products, so it's always crowded. The store is clean and easy to shop.

  • ちばまりん



    They sell ingredients for Champon. Naturally, the rice was only produced in each prefecture of Kyushu, so it was very fresh for Kanto people. You won't get bored just looking at the products at the supermarket used by locals.

  • karinko



    This store is a combination of a producer's direct sales store stocked with local ingredients and a supermarket that handles everyday items. The store is very spacious, and the products (especially vegetables) from local producers are fresh and reasonably priced. The roasted sweet potatoes sold here are delicious. Are the side dishes targeted at slightly older people? I think it would be nice to have a little more variety. And the baskets for the store here don't have handles. I was surprised when I first saw it. Is there anyone who can take this basket home? I've used it twice, but I can't get used to it.

  • Shozo Omachi

    Shozo Omachi


    It's from the "Elena" group again (lol) I still have gift certificates so I can't resist using them! It was getting late in the evening and I didn't want to make a meal, so I decided to have a boxed lunch (lol).I also had some business to do in Nagasaki, so I visited the nicely named "Nakayoshi Village" along the national highway! Actually, it's not the first time I've been here, it's been about 4 times. The inside of the store is spacious, and the fruit and vegetable section in particular is filled with the aroma of vegetables.I think you can get fresh vegetables only in this area. Most of the products are abundant, so I think you can buy what you want! There is also terrace seating outside at the entrance, so how about that?

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