Mitsu Municipal Hospital w Tatsuno

JaponiaMitsu Municipal Hospital



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1666-1 Mitsuchō Nakashima, Tatsuno, Hyogo 671-1311, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 79-322-1121
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7887656, Longitude: 134.5661654

komentarze 5

  • さくらんぼ



    There are too many differences in the level of nurses. This hospital mainly cares for people who are bedridden, so there is no consideration for people who can walk.

  • takenaka excess

    takenaka excess


    The doctor who examined me was very nice, but the woman who was not young at the reception desk was very unpleasant.

  • 信用第一



    If you're looking for respiratory problems in Nishiharima, then this is the place. It's good that it's not so crowded, but you'll be referred to here as a ``Harihime'' when you're introduced or transferred to another hospital, so it might be better not to choose it easily just because it's close.

  • 橋本藍



    The internal medicine doctors here are very bossy. Just because you have asthma and are overweight is an excuse. There's no way you'll suddenly lose 10kg tomorrow, right? ? I'm also giving up sweets, so give me some medicine to stop this painful cough until I lose weight. Is that possible too? ? The level is low lol Stop coughing and be bossy! ! It's just negligence on the part of the doctor.

  • ぽてーとふらいど



    I went there for fever outpatient treatment. I had a lot of nosebleeds during the antigen test. OK? Not a single word Isn't this just a medical mistake? I was told that the test would not be possible if there was blood on the stick, so I would have to try again, but reluctantly I took it from the other end, but it bled a little. bad nurse A terrible hospital as other people have said. It's better not to go at all put one's life in danger I don't even want to give 1 star

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