Matsuda Dental Clinic w Mihara

JaponiaMatsuda Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6-chōme-24-14 Hongōminami, Mihara, Hiroshima 729-0417, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 848-86-4844
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Latitude: 34.40957, Longitude: 132.9851

komentarze 5

  • 米田寿人



    I have been working with him for cleanings and tooth decay prevention for some time now, and the director and I were classmates in elementary school, so he treats me often. This time, the mouthpiece for whitening had deteriorated, so I visited to have a mouthpiece made. The staff member left the room to consult Dr. Yumiko, who was in charge of teeth whitening, probably because she was unable to make a decision on her own. As a result of my consultation, I was told that the mouthpiece would not be made unless it was purchased together with the whitening medicine! This is a forced sale by taking advantage of a superior position. As an exception, I was told that since the director and I were acquainted, I would be able to make just a mouthpiece, but I felt that this was unfair and could not tolerate it, so I stopped requesting the fabrication. The reason I don't buy whitening chemicals at Matsuda Dental Clinic is because they are compatible with other dental clinics, and because I have sensitivity, I would like to continue using the same whitening chemicals. I once asked them to purchase the chemicals I use, but they flatly refused. It will not work unless you have a mouthpiece and medicine as a set! Doesn't this business method of trying to get people to buy even unnecessary medicines violate the Antimonopoly Act (abuse of a superior bargaining position)? It made me think about how our clinic pursues profits without caring for its patients. Although the other staff members' responses were wonderful, I was disappointed in Yumiko-sensei's way of thinking and response, and I am very sorry to have posted this post.

  • a w

    a w


    He is a teacher who explains things very thoroughly! I was given anesthesia during the treatment, but it felt like a stinging sensation, similar to being stuck with a fish bone. I was nervous because I had been in a lot of pain at the hospital I went to before, but I was surprised because it didn't hurt at all! I was happy when he said to me, "Let's do our best! It's okay!" Everyone is so kind!

  • 智栄美



    Thank you for your help in my son's treatment. 5 stars is not enough. I would like to send several items. I would especially like to thank the female doctor and dental hygienist for their help. Even when my son cried a lot because he was scared of the equipment and its noise, he kindly called out to me and waited for me. He also carefully taught me how to brush my teeth. I'm really sorry for bothering you with my loud voice, and thank you very much.

  • ゴエ



    When I talked to the doctor here, he was very intelligent, and I went to him to treat my bite, but it didn't heal at all, so I went to another dentist in the same town and it was completely healed. Can't we have a more meaningful conversation?

  • Y hige

    Y hige


    I have been working with you for over 2 years. Everyone is very kind. When it comes to treatment, she not only tells me the recommended treatment method but also tells me about other options, gives me instructions on how to brush my teeth on a daily basis, and gives me a lot of knowledge. Since he started going to the clinic, he has changed his mind by using floss, interdental brushes, and slightly more expensive toothpaste, and his teeth are in good condition. I have quite a few silver teeth, so I regret that I should have taken better care of them sooner.

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