JCHO Kochi West Hospital w Kochi

JaponiaJCHO Kochi West Hospital



🕗 godziny otwarcia

317-12 Kōda, Kochi, 780-8040, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 88-843-1501
strona internetowej: kochi.jcho.go.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5407046, Longitude: 133.5019595

komentarze 5

  • わたし



    Thank you for your help with my broken wrist. The doctors and rehabilitation staff were also kind. Thanks to you, I am fully healed.

  • bonnfu ooikari

    bonnfu ooikari


    Is there a health checkup that takes this long? It's slow at that level. Let's take it elsewhere, it's a bad idea.

  • 焼きちくわ



    There were some nurses who were rude to me. Also, I would like people to stop using language that makes patients think they are stupid old people.

  • せんとくん



    I was in a rear-end accident and went to see an orthopedic surgeon because it's nearby. There were no major tests, just a compress and a medical examination. Thanks to you, I am suffering from neck pain after 1 year, I definitely do not recommend this product.

  • 初手意(SYOTEI)



    I went to an internal medicine clinic for a checkup, but I will never ask Akizawa again. I filled out a medical questionnaire and explained my situation to the nurse, but she didn't seem to understand what I was talking about, and as soon as I entered the examination room, she said a few words to me, and before I could say anything, she asked me to leave the examination room after less than a minute. Ta. I tried to explain the situation in detail, but I could clearly see that he didn't want to listen and thought it was a hassle, so I turned around and left the room, including my medical card. There was no way to stop them at all, so I guess their stance was to just let them go home if they caused any trouble. At Coco, we had previously had to pay nearly 5,000 yen more due to a mistake on the part of the hospital and not being billed for a portion of the bill, so we decided that we really couldn't trust them in this case.

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