Hotel No 1 Kochi w Kochi

JaponiaHotel No 1 Kochi


brak informacji

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Hotel No 1 Kochi, 16-8 Nijūdaimachi, Kochi, 780-0843, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 88-873-3333
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5626412, Longitude: 133.5379888

komentarze 5

  • ぴこままこぴ



    First use in July 2024. Kochi City seems to have surprisingly high prices for business hotels considering it is a regional city. Personally, I've been impressed by Wakayama City and Kitakyushu City as having high market prices for regional cities, but Kochi City is likely to join that group. In such a situation, I selected this hotel that was cheap and seemed to have good value for money. However, there is a reason why cheap is cheap.This hotel is slightly far from Kochi Station and Harimaya Bridge. When I walk from Kochi Station with my luggage, I get jealous because there are so many other hotels along the way. However, such hotels are naturally more expensive than here. It is far from the downtown area and there are no convenience stores nearby. One of the selling points is the large public bath, but if you're a male staying in the annex, you'll have to take the elevator in the annex down to the first floor, cross the street into the main building, and then take the elevator in the main building to the 14th floor, which is a hassle. difference. The downside is that there aren't many electrical outlets in the room. There are some aspects like cleanliness and front desk service that I don't have any problems with, but overall I think the cost performance is not good. However, this may be true not only for this hotel but for all business hotels in Kochi City.

  • Dirk Wilhelms

    Dirk Wilhelms


    It's OK... Many pups and restaurants around this area

  • Julianne Streeter

    Julianne Streeter


    I've stayed here a few times. Affordable private rooms. Variety of pillows available at the front desk. Onsen for men and women, but women only in the evening. Breakfast available. Friendly staff.

  • Deb Sarah

    Deb Sarah


    Good value and great service. They even had an onsen! Breakfast was awsome value with a good variety of food.

  • Ali Low

    Ali Low


    A cheap business hotel conveniently located near the city centre. There's an outdoor onsen on the top floor that has a nice view of the city. The pillows in the room are rock hard, but it's possible to ask at reception for softer ones.

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