Hilton Tokyo i Shinjuku-ku

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Japan, 〒160-0023 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Nishishinjuku, 6 Chome−6−2
Kontakter telefon: +81 3-3344-5111
Hjemmeside: www3.hilton.com
Latitude: 35.692638, Longitude: 139.691122
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Kommentar 5

  • Staci McMaster

    Staci McMaster


    Beautiful views. Convenient location. Japanese culture looks down on tattoos. We were asked to wear short-sleeved shirts in the HH lounge to cover any visible ink. I was surprised, but I understand we should respect the local culture

  • KF



    This hotel is located conveniently to a couple of metro stations, which has made it easy to get around Tokyo and see as much as possible in a limited amount of time. The hotel staff have been extremely hospitable and have fulfilled any request or answered any question I have had. The room was clean and comfortable. I would choose to stay at this hotel again if in Tokyo in the future.

  • Amanda Lang

    Amanda Lang


    Great service; the staff go out of their way to help you. I was in King size bedroom and there were no outlets for my charger near my bed. Would have been more helpful if there were, as I use my phone before bed. My room had an amazing view! My room was also cleaned daily, although under the bed and in some hard to reach places, it was obvious that it had not been vacuumed (other people's hair and dust bunnies). I had a great time though, I really did!

  • Frank Parth

    Frank Parth


    During a two week vacation in Japan we started and ended at this hotel and it was great on the way in and out. Restaurants upstairs were great! The exercise room had everything you could wish for in a gym. It's centrally located to almost everything you might want to see in Tokyo. Overall it was a pretty good stay!

  • Sui Chen

    Sui Chen


    I stayed at this property for 6 days during a work trip in Tokyo, and I had a great experience there. The hotel is not too far away from Shinjuku station, there are free shuttles going back and forth very often. You can also try the traditional Japanese style breakfast, which I found very interesting. However, you must book it before 9 pm, because they only have 20 seats in the restaurant. I think most Japanese hotels provide electronic toilet seat covers, but I still found this feature very cool and you will definitely find it here in Hilton !

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