Hidamarikōji Tosa-cha Cafe w Kochi

JaponiaHidamarikōji Tosa-cha Cafe



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-1-31 Obiyamachi, Kochi, 780-0841, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 88-855-7753
strona internetowej: worksmirai.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5602045, Longitude: 133.5372703

komentarze 5

  • 河村淳史



    It was my first time to eat sweet potato ice cream. For an old man born in the Showa era, it was an astonishing experience to learn that potato tempura could even be considered a sweet. The ice cream didn't interfere with the sweetness of the sweet potato and had a delicious flavor.

  • Viktor



    I was the last customer to enter this restaurant at 1615hrs. I felt guilty to be the one. However, the staff were very kind and understanding. They informed me that they can still serve desserts (but not the main course). I order red bean dessert with mochi and sweet potato. It was delicious! I love this Japanese dessert and will always buy it if I chance upon it.

  • Nao Y (nao)

    Nao Y (nao)


    I used it for lunch on my trip to Kochi. It is located in the "Obiyamachi 2-chome shopping street". The interior is long and narrow, like an eel's bed, but the atmosphere is that of a stylish cafe. Although it is a cafe, the food menu is extensive and reasonably priced. When I asked the staff, the ``Chirimenjakodon'' (600 yen) is recommended when it's hot. Order honestly. I also ordered the after set (300 yen). For the after set, you choose one sweet of your choice and it comes with a drink. Perfect for refreshing your palate after a meal. It's great to have change for 1000 yen. Please use it if you have a chance. This is a recommended cafe.

  • Thyna Vu

    Thyna Vu


    delicious food and kind staff, we had lunch here 2 days in a row. 😊 we hope to come back to kochi and this restaurant again in the future!

  • Emi Hamakawa

    Emi Hamakawa


    Delicious and not too expensive for a fancy place like this!

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