Fujisaki Dental Clinic w Kochi

JaponiaFujisaki Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-7-18 Obiyamachi, Kochi, 780-0841, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 88-824-8211
strona internetowej: haisha-yoyaku.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5604621, Longitude: 133.5409962

komentarze 5




    Dr Fujisaki provided invaluable help to us when we needed emergency dental care during our cruise. We communicated effectively through Google translate and he solved all our problems. We are very grateful to Dr Fujisaki and his staff for his compassionate care and professional skills. The dental clinic is conveniently located in the main shopping center near Hirome Market. The helpful translators at the information center in the cruise port called ahead and made the appointment. Kochi really takes good care of her guests.

  • iris u

    iris u


    I was in Kochi on a business trip, and I had a filling removed from my tooth, so I wasn't sure which dentist to go to. The reviews were good, so I gave them a call. It's a very busy time, nearing the end of the year, but I was able to see the doctor. The receptionist, the assistant, and Dr. Fujisaki were all very kind, and this was my first time going to the dentist in a new country. I was very nervous when I came to the hospital, but I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind. As others have commented, the anesthesia really didn't hurt, and I was surprised at how thorough the dentist explained it to me, which I've never had before 🌼 Thank you 🌷

  • 和接骨院



    I have been taking care of you for over 20 years now. As others have written, the anesthesia doesn't hurt at all. Every time, I'm like, ``Eh! Is it finished??'' Not only the treatment techniques, but also the explanations are easy to understand. They are polite and can give you advice on what to do after the completion. Furthermore, if you have any questions, please contact us immediately! As a fellow medical professional, there are many things I can learn from you. Ever since I was a child, I was not good at dentists. I can go here without any fear or nervousness. I am currently having it checked for regular maintenance. This is a clinic that I want to continue for a long time☆

  • 浜田香



    Anesthesia doesn't hurt. They will give you a good explanation, Although the number of visits is small, he provides thorough treatment and treatment. It was really hurting so I called her and she told me to come right away so she could look at it in between. I was really happy.

  • こでっち



    I went to several dentists in Kochi and quit halfway through, but I was able to go all the way. All cavities treated, silver teeth whitened, and one implant. I really don't want to be there, and the work is thorough and fast. Moreover, they take their time with each treatment, so the treatment is quick. I think it's very good and has a good explanation. Although there is no HP, it is highly recommended for those who want to fix it properly. yeah? parking? Of course not (lol) I'll have to pay for that at my own expense. The director, assistants, and receptionist are all very nice people.

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