Ellena Kawatana w Kawatana

JaponiaEllena Kawatana



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒859-3615 Nagasaki, Higashisonogi District, Kawatana, Shimogumigō, 3−1 平尾ノ前3-1
kontakt telefon: +81 956-83-2330
strona internetowej: www.ellena.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.0709127, Longitude: 129.859605

komentarze 5

  • 62 nobu

    62 nobu


    Perishable products are fresh. Especially for sushi and sashimi, the fillets are large and I always use it. 🍣

  • Daisuke .A

    Daisuke .A


    Visited the store to buy ingredients when using the Osaki Auto Campsite 🏬 The swordfish sashimi was a good deal and tasted good🐟 Another person posted about a gardener's ``idling uncle,'' but the gardener was closed when I went there, so I didn't see any particular damage.

  • くろもりのゆかたん



    Other people have also reported it, but the gardener on the left when facing the building? My uncle is nervous. After shopping at Elena, I returned to my car, turned on the cooler, and was having a drink, when suddenly the windows were closed. The old man said, ``This is not a drive-in, so leave immediately after shopping. Don't take a break.'' Of course, I was parked in Elena's parking lot. I didn't park right next to the garden store either. I think it was 20m away. I was surprised and a little scared at the same time. If it escalated, it looked like he might kick the car, so I quickly left. Please be careful not to park in the back left. You'll get a bad taste.

  • 山口Y



    The sashimi here is delicious! There is Elena nearby, but when I want to eat sashimi, I come to Kawatana Elena to buy it! There was a time when it didn't taste good 💦I wonder if people have changed since then? Now, I don't know if the craftsman has come back or if the person in charge has returned! It's really delicious ✨ Thank you as always 😍

  • ROCK 2002

    ROCK 2002


    Please be careful as men will start hitting you if you leave your car idling for a short time. I think it's the person from the garden shop in the back, but it just makes me feel uncomfortable. I have never used this place since then.

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