Dormy Inn Akihabara i Chiyoda-ku

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Japan, 〒101-0021 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Sotokanda, 4 Chome−12−5
Kontakter telefon: +81 3-5295-0012
Latitude: 35.702675, Longitude: 139.773273
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Kommentar 5

  • Sammy Mak

    Sammy Mak


    Room is standard semi-double we were placed in. So the size is small. However it is clean, onsen is its brand signature as well as nightly ramen. Breakfast was good with choices of Japanese and western style. Nicely automated coffee tea machines can be used thru out the day.

  • Andrea Cristofori

    Andrea Cristofori


    The room is a bit small but has all thing necessary and the hotel il in a very good position in Akihabara. Please note that tattoos are allowed only if covered in the bath. Except for that everything was good.

  • Victor Pau

    Victor Pau


    Clean with polite and helpful staff. Rooms have all the basic amenities you'd expect for the price point, and they even offer complimentary noodles for dinner. Located on the 9th floor is a public bath which I would recommend checking out.

  • Nathaniel Hancock

    Nathaniel Hancock


    Wonderful place rooms compact not much space for baggage. Staff very kind and helpful also well versed in conversational english. Had a blast here location is 2nd to none.

  • tony tseung

    tony tseung


    Third time staying in the standard room. Location is amazing with grocery and convenience stores less than a block away. Ginza line is also close by and JR station is 5-10 minutes away by foot. The communal bath is also very relaxing after a long day of walking.

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